Friday, November 9, 2012


We, as a society, are always looking for acceptance.
Our peers, family, friends. Whether it's a job interview or applying for college,
we all want to be accepted.

You can try and try, but guess what, in the end, the fate of your acceptance is in someone else's hands'.  It can be hard, but STOP trying so hard to fit in.
Be yourself. Be the best YOU you can be and allow the acceptance to happen naturally, where it's necessary.

There is nothing worse than being accepted because you've pushed someone to accept you.
Relationships for instance, just be yourself.  There's no need to work hard to try to impress someone. Allow them to like you for you, not for this person that you've played yourself out to be because guess what, in the end, you're only ever going to be YOU.
You can't change it. You can't quit. You can't fake it.
Just be you.

Actually, I take back what I said earlier.
 There is one thing worse than pushing someone to accept you.
You can be yourself. You can let that light shine.
Someone can accept you, and then,
they let it all go.
That is much worse than forcing someone to accept you.

See, it comes full circle.
 Acceptance, we're all striving for it, but don't always get it.
When you don't get it, it sucks. When you do, it's satisfying.
One thing remains the same,
you can never control where you are accepted.
A manager will interview you if they want.
A school will admit you if they feel you're a good fit (and have the best GPA, extracurricular activities, volunteer hours, blah blah blah, been there, done that)
Someone will either like you, or they won't.

 We are always striving to leave people with a good impression. To touch a life. To be the best you that you can be,
but if you ever find yourself being fake, stop.
Stop trying to be something you're clearly not because at the end of the day,
you'll only EVER be you. 

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