Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Change of Pace

I often feel as though I am stuck in rut, especially when things do not go as planned or expected, which  simply leads to frustration. Lately, I have been feeling as though I am stuck in this vicious cycle I couldn't seem to break. I talked to a few friends, whom I always spill my beans to (thank the Lord for amazing friends!), and one of them finally told me the words I have been searching for-for such a long while now.

I have concluded that:
- It never ever matters what others think or say, or what you even think others might be thinking or saying about you because if they don't accept you for who you are, they're not worth it. If someone wants to judge, then they're going to judge regardless of who you are or what you're doing, so forget about others! 
- Don't live life in fear of what others think, just have fun and be yourself. Otherwise, you aren't going to be living your life to the fullest because you're letting others hold you back.
- I am who I am. I can't change that nor do I want to, unless it's in areas where I need improvement. 
- It is impossible to please everyone. Somewhere along the road, you're going to hurt other people and not do what they want, but in some scenarios, you have to make the decision that is best for you to continue to be yourself and live your life the way you want. 

So world, what I am trying to say is, from now on, I am going to just be me because for too long I have been letting others opinions and ideals affect me and who I am, what I want to be and I am done. There is no need to please other people. As long as I am living my life righteously and just being myself, then I am content with who I am. From now on, I am making decisions for myself, not for others; all motivation from this point forward is internal, forget those external variables, they're just holding me back and making me unhappy. It is essential to be the best me I can be. 

As I prepare to turn 19 at the end of the week, it is my goal to keep these ideas in my mind to from this day forward, actually LIVE MY OWN LIFE. 

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