Sunday, March 6, 2011

Let's Get Down to Business

So, after reading Kaitlin's blog, I realize that the last blog I posted was November 30th and I still lived in Idaho, great! So let me through an update your way as to how everything went from the end of the semester, if I can remember, and how everything has been since I've been home!

December 2010
My last three weeks of college flew by. For my brother's 21st birthday, he came to visit me for a whole week! I am going to ignore the fact that one of my room mates was his girlfriend and that it had been a whole 2 or 3 weeks since the last time he had seen her, he clearly spent his 21st in Rexburg just to be with me. I didn't get him a birthday present because I was clearly a poor college student, but I did make him an awesome ice cream birthday cake, with rainbow sherbert on the inside and everything, yeah, I'm a good sister.

As the week continued, my last week of college, I was going crazy studying for finals and working hard to get everything packed up. I only had two finals- one of which I did not HAVE to take. My psychology final was my hardest final. I studied really hard, we're talking days here; I got a B on it! I was so proud of myself. Then, my American Foundations final was all I had left. I didn't have to take it because my professor would have dropped our lowest test score and I was pretty sure I already had an A in the class. This is what went down: it's our last night in Rexburg. We have dinner/goodbyes with our FHE, Irene leaves at 4:30AM, Katelyn has to leave around 11? (I don't completely remember) to make her flight to Long Beach, and I went to the BYU Idaho Center Dedication with Courtney and then Randy, Allison and I had to pack up the car and get on the road, trust me, did not go as smooth as it should have, but we will get to that in a minute. Back to finals. I needed to study for my American Foundations final and finish packing up. How in the world was I going to manage? You're about to find out. I spend all day packing, and I mean, ALLLL day. We have to get ready to go to our FHE goodbye dinner, I run over there, have dinner/dessert, say my goodbyes, and Courtney and Irene encourage me to go take my test. SO! I leave the dinner early, book it back to the apartment, and grabbed two pencils, grabbed my notebook, read over my notes, studied the different tensions, totaling 10 minutes, 12 at most, and hopped in the car to the Testing Center, because guess what, the last test goes out at 9 and it's 8:52. Great!! I make it in time, get my test, speed through it, or so it felt, turn my test it, walk out, wait for my ID number to show up on the TV right outside the room, and guess what a 90%! I was in shock. I thought I was going to do bad because it seemed too easy and I finished so quickly, besides, I didn't even study! Then, heading down to Broulims to try to get more boxes for all of us to pack up, it's now 10PM, I have no jacket, and the car is register 6 degrees outside, really? Believe it or not, I wasn't even that cold. Broulims didn't have any more boxes, so I hopped in the car to Walmart, waited almost an hour, and got some boxes, and headed home to continue packing.

I wanted to make sure I was going to say goodbye to Irene, so I stayed up until 4:30 just to say goodbye. While still packing and talking, spending our last moments together, Randy and Allison decide to block our neighbors door with snow, and we're talking a wall of snow that went clear up to the door knob, they're lucky they weren't completely stuck in there. It was kind of funny though. Anyway, I stayed up to say goodbye to Irene. It was clearly below zero by now and I only had a light zip up hoodie on, really? You'd think I would have thought that out a little more, NOT. So I made it to saying goodbye to Irene and then I had to run back into an empty apartment, in a room where I had to sleep by myself. After 4 months of  having your best friend sleep in the bed two and a half feet away from you, trust me, this was a hard task.

I woke up, after very few hours of sleep, and headed to the BYU Idaho Center Dedication with Courtney!

And then headed back to the apartment to find a car that had not been loaded and an empty storage unit that also should have been loaded. Good job big brother! We were supposed to be on the road by 12, instead, we got on the freeway at 3:45, after the biggest ordeal of a way too packed car, two trips to the storage unit, and a trip to UPS. And then it was goodbye Idaho!

Rexburg, Idaho Temple

The drive home, around Pocatello, Idaho.

My last Idaho sunset! Don't mind the dirty windshield. 

Let me tell you, the drive home was ridiculous. After driving 925 miles, all driven by myself thank you very much Randall and Allison, I finally made it home at 6:30 AM (Mountain time.) I drove home through a snow storm, rain storm, fog, rain storm in fog, ice, more crazy snow, the weather conditions were absolutely ridiculous. I plan to never do that again. 

Once I got home, I had a great Christmas with the family and started working right away.

But my memories from my first semester at college will never fade. 

The Idaho Falls, Idaho Temple

Pajamas in the Idaho Falls, Idaho Target

Clearly the best group date ever

An awesome night

The Most Epic Flight Home

Kaitlin and Aly spending the night, cuddling or spooning, whichever you prefer, on my ever small couch and freezing living room!
Freezing walks with my Kaitikins!
With some... yeah, pictures
Some last minute pranks on Allison :)
Needless to say, she enjoyed it 

I am done writing for now, but my next blog will definitely update you guys on the million jobs that I have had since I've been home. Until then... Adios!

Christin Grace

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