Anyway! In the time I have been home, I have honestly just been relaxing and enjoying the Southern California sun, boy did I miss it. I have spent numerous days at the beach, in the pool and the jacuzzi. I have also enjoyed going to the movies, the OC Fair (for the first time in 12 years), playing Wii Just Dance and joking around with my family. I have been having such a good time in Southern California, it really makes me not want to leave, let me tell you.
I have been working, basically on my own schedule, but working and I love it! I work for Smashbox Cosmetics, BRIDAL BEAUTY by Lori and LJS Brand. I am always asked what I do, so I will put this question to rest when I say everything. I do tons and tons of stuff and it continues to expand/grow and I wouldn't have it any other way. I enjoy working in entertainment, fashion and cosmetics. I love my bosses as well, no one could as for better bosses than the ones I have. I love my jobs and having wonderful bosses makes work even more enjoyable.
I had my first makeup gig just this past Saturday. It was a 30 year high school reunion and I was a little nervous. It was the first time I put make up on a face of anyone over the age of 22, besides my mom, and it went so well. I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out, but these women were gorgeous, without sounding conceited, I was truly proud of the work I did and look forward to further my knowledge and practice to continue in the makeup world.
I went to the Lady Antebellum concert in Temecula at Pechanga Resort and Casino. I flippin' loved it, A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!
I also have had my first experience with energy drinks. My first was through Las Vegas on my way home. I was tired at the point, 4 more hours to go and I had no more steam, soo, what did I do? 5 Hour Energy and a Coca-Cola. I almost never drink soda and if I do, I don't drink caffeine because I don't want to rely on it and it's basically all negative, etc etc. Soo.. having Coke for the first time in 5 YEARS and my first 5 Hour Energy was.. quite the experience. Poor Lauren was in the car with me and Amanda called me at the WRONG time (right after the energy part, kicked in). Thenn.. at the Lady A concert, Amanda decided to have a Rockstar, or 2, and a Red Bull, plus some M&M'S. Kaitlin and I decided to join the fun, her enjoying a Monster, Red Bull, and a Kit Kat bar, not to mention the regular excessive amount of energy Kaitlin has. I resigned with a 5 Hour Energy and a Coke, and half a Red Bull, then gave Katilin the other half, soo.. I guess she has one and a half Red Bulls. Anyway, I recommend, just DON'T drink energy drinks. I can be an awful idea, especially when you're with 2 of our best friends, things can get crazy, and you can end up sitting in a gas station liquor store for over an hour, like we did.
Let's seee... what else? I really don't know. There are a lot of changes coming my way and a lot of exciting news that I'm not quite ready to spill, soo.. I guess you'll just have to stay tuned! I have to find a way to keep this blog interesting because I realize as I read others blogs', I realized that other people actually have a lot of changes going on and interesting occurrences to write about, while I write about college. Really? How interesting can the life of a 19 year old be? I'm only a sophomore in college! Well, to answer your question, like I said, stick around, changes are coming my way!